Exploit Protection

Scenario description

Exploit Protection automatically applies a number of exploit mitigation settings system wide and on individual apps. Many of the features in the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) have been included in Exploit Protection, and you can convert and import existing EMET configuration profiles into Exploit Protection.

Scenario requirements and setup

  • Windows 10 1709 build 16273
PowerShell command
  • Set-ProcessMitigation -PolicyFilePath ProcessMitigation.xml
  • Set-ProcessMitigation –help
Verify configuration
  • Get-ProcessMitigation
Sample xml file

EP xml config file (right click, "save target as")


Scenario 1: Convert EMET xml to Exploit Protection settings
  1. Convert EMET to xml, run powershell command: ConvertTo-ProcessMitigationPolicy
  2. Apply settings, run powershell command: Set-ProcessMitigation -PolicyFilePath <XML from above step>
  3. Confirm settings were applied, run powershell command: Get-ProcessMitigation
  4. Review the event log for application compatibility
Scenario 2: Apply selfhost xml to Exploit Protection settings
  1. Download our EP xml config file (right click, "save target as") or use your own
  2. Apply settings, run powershell command: Set-ProcessMitigation -PolicyFilePath ProcessMitigation.xml
  3. Confirm settings were applied, run powershell command: Get-ProcessMitigation
  4. Review the event log for application compatibility

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